When invited to tea at Henry Ford’s sister’s house, Kahlo lectured about the virtues of communism, and at a different event loudly asked Henry Ford, a virulent anti-Semite, if he were Jewish.
Quan el van convidar a prendre un te a casa de la germana d'Henry Ford, Kahlo va fer una conferència sobre les virtuts del comunisme i en un altre acte li va preguntar en veu alta a Henry Ford, un antisemita virulent, si era jueu.
Resta de l'article Scientific, Sexual and Sentimental: What Frida Kahlo Saw in the Orchid - Erica Hannickel on an Artist's Plant-Filled Life (Científic, sexual i sentimental: el que Frida Kahlo va veure a
l'orquídia - Erica Hannickel sobre la vida plena de plantes d'un artista) : https://lithub.com/scientific-sexual-and-sentimental-what-frida-kahlo-saw-in-the-orchid/
Frida Kahlo: Her mother's family was of Spanish and Native Mexican descent, while her father was a German Jewish immigrant. Although she is best known for her representations of Mexican culture, her Jewish background also influenced her work.
Source: https://jwa.org/thisweek/jul/06/1907/frida-kahlo
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